MLZ-LLB workshop

MLZ-LLB workshop on 10. -11. May 2023 at Gif-sur-Yvette (PDF)


Place : IMAGIF auditorium (Campus CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France)

Coordinates : 48.705540222779405, 2.1311397585993306


Wednesday 10th May :

Before 10:30: Arrival at conference site on 10.05.2023

10:30 Introduction by MLZ and LLB Directors, 2 x 5 min.

10:40 MLZ upgrade program MORIS (M. Müller)

11:00 LLB research and instrument projects (G. Chaboussant)

11:20 Open Discussion (everyone)

12:00 – 14:00 Lunch (CNRS restaurant)

14:00 Instruments for magnetic spectroscopy

CRG IN12 (K. Schmalzl) 20’
PUMA (J. Park) 20’
MIRA/LaDiff (R. Georgii) 20’
PANDA (A. Schneidewind) 20’
DNS (Y. Su) 20’

15:40 Coffee break

16:10 Instruments for magnetic structures

POLI (J. Xu) 20’ CRG
SAM (N. Martin) 20’
RESEDA (J. Jochum) 20’
MARIA (A. Koutsioumpas) 20’

17:30 Conclusive remarks and discussions for Day 1

18:30 Session end of Day 1

19:15 Dinner (“Bistro de Gif”, 5-10 minutes walking distance from the hotel)


Thursday 11th May :

09:00 ESS Instruments: polarized diffraction and spectroscopy

MAGIC (X. Fabrèges) 20’
T-REX/TOPAS (C. Franz) 20’

09:40 Complex magnetic materials – molecular systems

I. Kibalin (“CrysPy for Powder PND”) 25’
D. Luneau (“Molecular Magnetism”) 25’

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Complex magnetic materials – correlated electrons systems

M. Braden (“Using polarized neutron to explore magnetic correlations in ruthenates”) 25’
M. Songvilay (“Dynamics in hybrid perovskite systems”) 25’
D. Bounoua (“Cuprates superconductors”) 25’

12:20 Lunch (CNRS restaurant)

14:00 Complex magnetic materials – large scale systems

D. Lott (“PNR for thin film magnetism”) 25’
S. Mühlbauer (“Nanomagnetism”) 25’

14:50 Final discussion and conclusive remarks

15:30 End of meeting (latest 16:00)


Participants with flight connection return via RER from Gif-sur-Yvette to Orly Airport

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